How to use CINAHL and MeSH subject headings
Using CINAHL/MeSH Subject Headings in the new EBSCOhost Interface
To browse using CINAHL/MeSH subject headings:
Click the Advanced search button below the search box.
Depending on the database being searched, click either CINAHL Headings or MEDLINE - MeSH below the search boxes.
Enter your terms in the search box, select to display headings based on Relevancy ranking or Term begins with, and click the Magnifying glass.
Select a subject term in the list and click Add to search.
Select any desired subheadings in the list and click Add to search.
The terms are added to the search box. Click Search to retrieve results.
A result list is displayed.
Using Explode and Major Concept
When you Explode a term, you create a search query that “explodes” the subject heading. The headings are exploded to retrieve all references indexed to that term as well as all references indexed to any narrower subject terms.
In a database with a tree, such as MeSH or CINAHL Subject Headings, exploding retrieves all documents containing any of the subject terms below the term you selected. In other databases, exploding retrieves all documents containing the selected term, as well as any of its first level of narrower terms. If a plus sign (+) appears next to a narrower or related term, there are narrower terms below it.
Major Concept
When you select Major Concept for a term, you create a search query that finds only records for which the subject heading is a major point of the article. Searches are limited with specific qualifiers (subheadings) to improve the precision of the search, and limited to major subject headings indicate the main concept of an article.
Combining Explode and Major Concept
If you select both Explode and Major Concept, you retrieve all references indexed to your term (and its narrower terms) and all articles for which the subject heading is a major point of the article.
Term Begins With
If you browse the MeSH thesaurus and enter “acids” in the Browse for field and select Term Begins With, the list displays the terms in alphabetical order:
Acids, 2,5-Dihydroxybenzoic Use: Gentisates
Acids, 2-Butenoic Use: Crotonic Acids
Acids, 4-Hydroxybenzoic Use: Parabens
Acids, Acetic Use: Acetic Acids
Acids, Acyclic
Relevancy Ranked
If you browse the MeSH thesaurus and enter “acids” in the Browse for field and selected Relevancy Ranked, the exact match for the term appears first followed by a list of terms displayed in order of relevance.
Alpha-Linolenic Acid
Amino Acid Transport Systems, Acidic
Aspartic Acid
Deoxycholic Acid
Linolenic Acid
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