What are the Clarkson College core values?


Clarkson College offers a remarkable range of undergraduate, graduate and professional programs designed to prepare individuals for both entry-level and highly advanced roles in various health care disciplines. With the support and oversight of the Executive Leadership Team and the Board of Trustees, the College continually innovates in education and scholarship to ensure that we meet the needs of students and the ever-changing field of health care.


Preparing students to professionally provide high quality, ethical and compassionate health care services.


Clarkson College will continue to be the trusted, leading, and preferred healthcare educator



The lifelong process of education through both structured and unstructured interprofessional experiences.


A level of performance in which all individuals strive for extraordinary quality.



Adherence to moral and ethical standards to inspire trust in personal, professional, and organizational actions.



Dedication and accountability to the shared mission of Clarkson College.



An empowering relationship through an attitude of empathy, trust, compassion, and respect for those with whom we interact, serve and lead.



  • Last Updated Jan 08, 2025
  • Views 49
  • Answered By Nicole Caskey

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