How do I use wireless printing?


Introducing PaperCut Mobility Print


Wireless cloud printing is now available at Clarkson College!  By installing the PaperCut Mobility Print app on your personal laptop, students can now print to the PaperCut MF copiers from anywhere on campus.  All printing will be tied to your current PaperCut account and function similarly to PaperCut in the current labs.



Instructions and PaperCut MF Locations


Students can currently find PaperCut MF copiers in the following locations

    • Library (2nd floor of Main Building)
    • Clarkson Commons and Education Center (2nd Floor)

To set up your wireless printing, follow the steps below:

  • Go to
    • Follow the instructions to install the app and printer
  • Register your access badge at the copier (instructions available at copier locations).

Now that you’re set up, print!

  • Select the  FindMePrinter[PaperCut19](Mobility)” when you go to print your document.
  • Walk up to the closest PaperCut MF copier, tap your access badge, and release your print job.




Q: Where can I find more information about PaperCut and printing on campus?

A: Check out the Printing on Campus page on the Clarkson College website.

Q: Can I also use the PaperCut MF copiers to scan and copy?

A: Yes!  You can scan documents to your Clarkson College email or make copies (copies will be charged to your PaperCut account at the same rate as prints).

Q: What should I do with the old printer “FindMePrinters [MERCURY](Mobility)”?

A: Wait a few weeks before removing this from your laptop.


Q: Who do I call if I need assistance with PaperCut?

A: You can contact the IT Help Desk at 402-552-3911 or



  • Last Updated Jan 07, 2025
  • Views 218
  • Answered By Nicole Caskey

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