Why am I required to consent to EBSCO's privacy policy before logging in?
This screen refers to the data retention needed to create and maintain a personal EBSCO account where you can save articles, searches, and citations for easy referral later on. Your Clarkson College credentials are automatically connected to your personal EBSCO account.
EBSCO does NOT share personal information/searches/saved articles with third parties.
If you opt to not consent to this policy, you will NOT be able to create and store articles in a personal folder.
If you have already selected "No" and cannot access the EBSCO databases, please try clearing your cache and cookies, close your browser and start a new browser session. This should force the message to appear again allowing you to change your answer.
For more information about EBSCO's privacy policy and security, please see their FAQ here: https://more.ebsco.com/privacy-policy.
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