How do I find evidence based practice research in CINAHL?


In CINAHL, there are several options. Enter your search terms and go to FILTERS and check the limiter for Evidence-Based Practice. You can checkmark "Randomized Controlled Trials" OR you can select "Systematic Review" from the list of Publication Types, not both.  If you still need more articles, deselect limits and add "evidence-based" to your search terms.

But, when you choose this limit, your results will be limited to a specific subset of journals that have been identified as Evidenced Based Practice (EBP) in the “Special Interest” field. These are journals that focus on the application of EBP. There are only 23 of them. Plenty of other journals publish evidence based practice / research articles. So, when you are looking for evidence based practice literature for your assignments, use the Research Article filter rather than the Evidence Based Practice option box.


  • Last Updated Jan 08, 2025
  • Views 54
  • Answered By Amy Masek

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