How can I tell if the library has a certain journal?


Use the A-Z Journal List and look under F for Full Text Finder. Type in the name of the journal you are looking for (NOT the article title or subject). If the library has access to the journal, it will show we have it and for what years it is available. If it is online, there will be a link to the access point. If it is in print on the library shelves or microfiche, it will indicate that along with what years we have.

You can also search by title in Browzine. One can navigate to an article by finding the date, volume, and issue. 

A third way is to do a Publication Search within the database such as CINAHL. See the screenshot for a visual. 



  • Last Updated Feb 11, 2025
  • Views 39
  • Answered By Nicole Caskey

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